Shahzada Muslim Mahavidyalaya, Karma-Bahuara, Dildarnagar, Ghazipur , U.P. is Manage by Shahzada Memorial Muslim Education and Welfare Trust, Bahuara, Dildarnagar, Ghazipur ( U.P.) register under the society registration Act. It has been established with having its mission of it General Education at Various level for preparing youth for harmonic society value oriented national Progress as per need of the time.
Teachers play a very important role in a student's life. It is, to a great extent, the teachers who decide the shape a student's life will take. So, it is very necessary to be adequately equipped with resources that will make the teacher a perfect role model to the students. The college is situated in rural undeveloped area of district Ghazipur with motto for higher education & professional Skill in Particulars.
Our college believes in continuing the tradition of working for peace and empowering students, college and providing the opportunity to the less privilege. We encourage the sprite of service & participations towards a change in society emphasizing the role that student can play. The college offers an integral education to make student intellectual, cultural, social, emotional. What is the more important is the space it has provided to the students to freely express and develop view in society?